
Essay's Summary

*001「The Present Situation of the World」

This essay mentions the various problem that occurred after the human world was born, and present situation that it brought about after that.

*002「Possibility of World War Ⅲ」/(no contents)

This essay mentions that a human being made various kind of stress in the world. And the stresses is increasing now. That stresses will occur the World War Ⅲ finally as a scientific result.

*003「Climate Chage by the Warming of the Earth」/(no contents)

This essay recognizes about the global warming is progressive at the present time, and mentions the various aspects of an occurring climate change and accidents falled on the human race as a result.

*004「Possibility of Animal Extinction by Suffocation of Animals」/(no contents)

This essay explains the process of the creature extinction and evolution,and recognizes the progress of the Creature Mass Extinction that happens at present,and mentions the possibility of the animal extinction in short time.

*005「The World after the Misfortune」/(no contents)

This essay imagines what kind of struggle for existence the human race unrolls after the Big Misfortune.

*006「Possibility of the World Federation」/(no contents)

The human race will repent of the former mistake in the process of a struggle for existence. And so, this essay mentions the possibility that it is moved to federal forming by the evolution of the sense.

*007「Necessity of Unification of the World and Establishment of New Thought」

This essay mentions the abandonment of each country signory and unification of a thought. Because a human federation must not be something like the United Nations that is under a struggles of Nations for existence. These qualifications might be the biggest requirement for the Unification.

*008「Arrival of the Future World (NOM WORLD)」/(no contents)

This essay describes the future world ( the NOM World ) on the assumption that the World Federation was formed and it was unified to a NOM thought.

*009「NOM/Principles of Phenomena」/(no contents)

It explains some of the scientific points of view of the NOM thought to the following. This essay develops an essential theory about the principle of phenomenon.

*010「NOM/Situation Theory」/(no contents)

This essay considers how a phenomenon invents next phenomenon from a micro viewpoint / macro viewpoint and explains that a situation at present produces next situation stochastically.

*011「NOM/Probability Theory」/(no contents)

This essay considers a phenomenon happening stochastically from a micro viewpoint and macro viewpoint.

*012「NOM/The Low of Action and Reaction」/(no contents)

This essay considers how does an operation occur, on the other hand, how does the reaction occur and explains that a phenomenon continues by this law.

*013「NOM/Game Theory」/(no contents)

Sages don't seek an ideal but seeks a best means under realism. They applies the Game Theory at that means to control a human instinct to implement a means.

*014「NOM/Evolutionism」/(no contents)

This essay exlpain all phenomena are tracing the process of the evolution, and prove that all of phenomenon contain evolutions as a necessary process.

*015「NOM/Agnosticism」/(no contents)

This essay explains scientifically that the human race can't know the essence and that result of a phenomenon.

*016「NOM/Fatalism」/(no contents)

There are so many absurd phenomena in the world when seeing from the human side but a phenomenon explain that it is necessary to carry our consideration from the agnosticism to the fatalism to understand it.

*017「NOM/Realism」/(no contents)

From this essay, it is continued about thinking of a person as in NOM thought below. This essay about Realism is very important.

*018「NOM/Finite Earthism」/(no contents)

This essayt insist to think of the earth to a top priority. Because it is impossible for human being to continue to live on earth if we lose the earth suitable to live for mankind.

*019「NOM/Coexistencism」/(no contents)

This essay insist to think of the Nature as the most important environment. So we will take the nature to be controlling appropriately. And this essay explain how to make a harmony to coexist with the nature, and describes a point of view of thinking how to coexists with the nature and how to act for the nature.

*020「NOM/The Thought of Emvironmental Creation」/(no contents)

This essay insist to think of the Nature as antachable existence. But human being is permitted to live in the nature because of creature. So mankind must endeavor to creat nature not destroy the nature. We should try to make man-created ecosystem like as the nature. We call this trial as a Emvironmental Criation.

*021「Establishment of the Separation of the Four Powers」

  The discussion after this I mention about specific method in the NOM World. The Lawmaking・the Executive・the Administration so far are stand on the side of these powers not included people's power. We must introduce a valuation system by the peoples as a pseudo-power. I call it "the Separation of 4 Powers".

*022「Proposal of The System of Personality Point」/(no contents)

From this essay, it is continued about a specific technique by the NOMU world from here.thinking of a person as in NOM thought below. Ande this essay mentions the Character Point System that is the most important policy.

*023「Proposal of the Sage Politics」/(no contents)

This essay advocate a new system of the Sage Politics. It is based on the Character Point System. The Sages will be leaders of various kinds of fields. And we will train them through childhood, and will chose them from many candidates.

*024「Genuine Socialism from Democrasy/(no contents)

The democracy what is made by the people as a master fails by an antinomy soon. Because peoples have a selfish mind. The future world will become the socialism of the pyramidal structure. And it will make sages as a top leaders under a federal system and will be stable.

*025「Commonism from Lawism」/(no contents)

This essay insists changes into the world that is under the thinking with common reason from the Law Sistem.