Summary of Auther's Thinking
The NOM thought insists on following thing.
- The world is falling into the situation of a chaos at present, and it will appear in about 2020 year as the big misfortune.This is the prediction that Nom declared about 35 years before, and the situation of the world these day seems to support that predection.It is unclear whether for it to happen by the environmental destruction or to be due to the nuclear war.This prediction induced from a population curve, is the one by the intuition and not by the prophecy like a revelation.
- The human race doesn't have a means to avoid this big misfortune.Because it is too late to handle.The big misfortune happens by the scientific inevitability, and that result will bring a heavy blow to the human race.
- This phenomenon was occurring from the scientific inevitability and it's cause was made by a human being.That causes are rooted between a conflict and contradiction of a ① survival instinct / ② genitalness instinct / ③ cerebrum instinct ( intelligence ) that a human being has.
- However, Nom doesn't think that the human race becomes extinction.The human race will ride over this big misfortune in a technology and intelligence.The human intellectual evolution is necessary to solve this contradiction. But this is the second element(factor),and we need one more first element(factor) to solve the problem.That is a unifucation of Nations. After that, the human intellectual evolution will happen.
Then, the Future World is controlled by the sage whom the people raised and selected to the best condition. Under the history untill nowadays,the foolish leader chosen with the election by the mass of people could do only a foolish choice to maintain his political power or his status. The Sage Leaders will take the best reins of government because they have the idea that attends the people.
- Nom intended the solution of this problem by the 10 years consideration and writing. The amount of writing if published attained to 7000 pages over. So I named this system of thinking as " NOM thought ". But a exhibition can't be done yet, because this thought have the bery irregular point of view completely different from the former common sense. It will be clarified by the use of home page of this site " Invitation to the Future World ".